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Aquí podéis ver el video producido por REPORTARTE para AMI4EUROPE, un proyecto colaborativo sobre tecnología de imágenes médicas avanzadas, liderado por Madrid Network. El proyecto ha permitido la creación de redes de intercambio de conocimiento y colaboración entre entidades de investigación médica de varias regiones de Europa, posibilitando avances en el sector de la Imagen Médica Avanzada. Este sector comprende todas las técnicas que implican el uso de soportes gráficos -radiografías, medicina nuclear, ecografías, etc.- para la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades. AMI4EUROPE supone un espaldarazo definitivo para los estándares de digitalización e intercambio de formatos gráficos entre empresas e instituciones públicas europeas. La producción de este video ha sido una de las experiencias más satisfactorias para los equipos de REPORTARTE, gracias a la profesionalidad de los responsables de Madrid Network que han liderado el proyecto. Vaya nuestro agradecimiento expreso a Paloma Lozano y Silvia Sarriá, de Madrid Network, y nuestra felicitación a todos los integrantes europeos de AMI4EUROPE.

El video está en inglés, y al pie del mismo podéis ver el script original.

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Launched in October 2010, Ami4Europe is a project co-financed by the European Commission through the Regions of Knowledge sub programme within the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development.  The consortium comprises 22 organizations from Bosnia Herzegovina, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, and Spain. It’s led and coordinated by Madrid Network.
AMI stands for Advanced Medical Imaging. As the name suggests, the aim of the project is to promote cooperation in the field of medical imaging, such as X-rays, ultrasound, MRI or nuclear medicine. Among the participating organizations are universities, major hospitals and private companies. During AMI4Europe’s first three years, all were able to share knowledge and experiences in regional workshops and at three major conferences in Madrid, Hannover and Debrecen.

ITV: JULIO MAYOL, Chief Innovation Officer at Hospital Clinico San Carlos (Madrid): «We have a lot of knowledge, accumulated in Europe and the problem is that we are not using that knowledge. And AMI4Europe has achieved that goal to integrate knowledge and to generate a new framework where things can be done more efficiently… to translate current medical and scientific knowledge into innovation and medical practice.»

So, AMI4Europe will be crucial in helping to reduce the gap between the EU and the other two big players in health science technology.

JULIO MAYOL: «The United States and Asia are working hard to monetarise their accumulated knowledge. And Ami4 Europe is I think the perfect framework to accelerate what is going on in Europe and be more efficient competing with the United States and Asia.»

AMI4Europe has defined medical imaging as «The production of any kind of visual representation of the human anatomy, histology, physiology, pathophysiology or pathology, at either macroscopic or microscopic level, by any acquisition and processing technique for research, clinical purposes (diagnosis, therapeutic guidance, post-treatment monitoring) or teaching and training.»  Advanced medical imaging is a new digital generation of this concept: «The objective of AMI-4EUROPE is to define and develop the concept of «next generation» Medical Imaging integrating disciplines such as nanomedicine, pharmacological breakthrough, biotechnologies for healthcare and ICT.» Digitization facilitates the sharing and processing of medical imaging among different institutions to advance knowledge.

AMI4Europe has also led to the creation of two new biomedical clusters in Bosnia Herzegovina and Romania, advised by more experienced clusters in other countries. Another of AMI4Europe’s achievments has been to establish a joint action plan and a business plan for public administrations, private companies and academic institutions. So they can continue to cooperate to become ever more competitive in the field of advanced medical imaging.

ITV. CARLOS BLANCO, CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER, MADRID NETWORK: «A business plan has been defined with all the partners and stakeholders participating in the project. And this will guarantee the continuation of the collaboration between all of them in the medium and long term. We should be aware that this is a complex project that has coordinated 22 partners in 6 different regions in Europe. And today we can say that we have established a solid relationship between all of them. Not only with the objectives of the project itself but with the future actions that have been agreed between all of them.» Three years of collaboration has certainly left its mark on the participants.

JULIO MAYOL: «It has been a phenomenal experience both personally and scientifically. We have met wonderful scientists and collaborators and people from business and industry. And really I think this Ami4Europe project is a game-changer project.»

Although the first three years of AMI4Europe ends in October 2013, the project is far from over.

«We already stablished an advisory council for AMI4EUROPE, where some of the partners will work together, for the future as well, and to fulfill the joint action plan. And we will start new research projects out of this advisory council, and keep in touch for them all».

AMI4Europe is an example of how collaboration and common goal-setting is helping Europe to become more competitive for the benefit of all its citizens.


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